qrsyncmgr - GUI to manage rsync definitions
qrsyncmgr is a GUI program to help to manage rsync definitions. It is just a front end to rsync.
rsync is used to keep a backup directory in sync with a master directory (and it's sub-directories).
The backup directory can be on the same machine or on a remote machine (then ssh is used).
Starting with qrsyncmgr 2.9.3 all required partitions have to be mounted prior starting a rsync run!
The date of the last successful run of a rsync will be stored within it's definition.
qrsyncmgr has only one screen in which you define, manage and run the rsync synchronisations.

Read the online help to learn more about the program features and limitations by selecting help after start.
qrsyncmgr is based on:
- Qt6, needed to compile and run the program
- cmake, needed to compile the program
- rsync, needed to run a rsync, not to compile qrsyncmgr
qrsyncmgr-3.0.1 ; 20. Feb. 2024
* ported to Qt6
* changed license to MIT
* no more ssh support
Source: tar.gz ;
Arch linux: PKGBUILD ;
x86_64 pkg.tar.xz compiled with Qt6.6.2 ,
qrsyncmgr-2.9.3 ; 21. Jul. 2022
* fixed crash on start without rsync definitions
* updated program icon to svg
(release of 2.9.2 has been skipped due to a bug (sigh))
Source: tar.gz ;
Arch linux: x86_64 pkg.tar.xz Qt 5.15.5+kde+... ,
qrsyncmgr-2.9.1 ; 04. Sep. 2016
* first Qt5 release
* no longer mounting partitions
* GUI adjusted
Files no longer online.
qrsyncmgr-1.9.99 ; 21. Apr. 2013
* re-release, updated due to qt4 package change
Files no longer online.
qrsyncmgr-1.9.99 ; 21. Dec. 2011
* re-worked detection of rsync and x11-ssh-askpass
* x11-ssh-askpass now started from /usr/lib/ssh or /usr/lib/openssh
* fixed showing stop icon
* fixed showing 'stop rsync' confirmation close to calling cursor
* online help updated
Files no longer online.
qrsyncmgr- ; 31. Oct. 2010
* updated icon installation
Files no longer online.
qrsyncmgr- ; 30. Oct. 2010
* reworked GUI - added menu and toolbar for actions, deleted action buttons on lower part of GUI
Files no longer online.
qrsyncmgr-1.9.97 ; 01. Jul. 2009 , Arch adds 14. Sep. 2010
* added 20100914: Arch linux PKGBUILD and x86_64 pre-compiled package (QT 4.6.3)
* fixed: not showing ssh-askpass error, if only gtk error
* fixed: select next (or previous if last) item in list when deleting a rsync
Files no longer online.
qrsyncmgr-1.9.96 ; 06. May 2009
* fixed: show online help: use showFullScreen ilo showMaximized to overcome a regression with Qt4.5/xserver-1.6
* fixed: disable Quit-button after confirmed to quit
* fixed: use Qt system default font size for about/help widget
* fixed: error message, if definition directory not available at start-up
* changed: use gnome document-open.png for the file open button icon
* updated: online help
Files no longer online.
qrsyncmgr-1.9.95 ; 07. Nov. 2008
Make it more netbook friendly. 1.9.94 was never released.
* updated: widget default size should be good for 800x600 displays now
* updated: fonts following Qt4 defaults, adjust with qtconfig
* updated: several tooltips
* updated: online help, added hint to use qtconfig to set font size
* updated: install location of program icon
* added: debian menu entry
Files no longer online.
qrsyncmgr-1.9.93 ; 14. Mar. 2008
* fixed: clear details form when new rsync definition directory is selected
* fixed: crash when adding 1st rsync definition into empty directory
* fixed: show fileopen icon in button to select directory with rsync definitions (I hope...)
Files no longer online.
qrsyncmgr-1.9.92 ; 11. Mar. 2008
* fixed: enable button to select directory with rsyncs after error with directory with rsyncs
Files no longer online.
qrsyncmgr-1.9.91 ; 02. Mar. 2008
* initial public release
Files no longer online.