Note: beside the source, Arch Linux packages (PKGBUILD and x86_64.pkg.tar.gz) can be found here.
These are inofficial packages, but should be good enough to be handled with pacman.
2020 Jul 23: I'm trying to give package signing another go. New key:
ID(?) F8AAF5C9, Fingerprint A833 5716 021F 2AE7 C26B 49FB 810C 093D F8AA F5C9
Public key: F8AAF5C9 , valid until 2028 Jul. 06 .
* implemented accessing the filter comboboxes via shift+F1 to F3
* add start playing via media play button
* change navigating to comboboxes and song list to SHIFT + F1-F9
* update GUI
* update online help
* fixed: disable auto play first song when selecting a combobox entry with the ENTER key
* ported to Qt6
* fix auto refresh on file change
* set treeview to auto expand
* lost 1st level directory sorting
* license changed to MIT
* ported to Qt6
* ported to Qt6
* changed license to MIT
* no more ssh support
* ported to Qt6
* changed license to MIT
* changed 2 icons
* fixed restoring last session on boot (finally? playlist handling)
* added and fixed showing set playlist dialog icons
* fixed trying to read add-to playlist file without filename
* fixed un-setting add-to playlist including indicator
* improved setting last session's playing comboboxes on start
* added and fixed showing tag editor action icons
* fixed setting 2nd language
* implement tag text check for | and replace with _
* fixed crash when changing movie filter
* fixed loading and applying filters
* delete Makefiles from git tracking
* 0.9.6 was never released
* call tag editor on right-click directly (no further menu options so far)
* update tag section in online help
* tag editor: delete clear all button
* trying to set focus on save button in tag dialog when save is enabled - no visual feedback?
* fixed showing movie list when setting new movie directory
* add navigate between comboboxes and songs list via keys 1-9
* initial release
* add settings icon
* implement play modes: single song, to end of list, loop through list
* implement re-size add-to playlist indicator when size changed in settings dialog
* updated online help
* some clean ups
* initial release of tlmb, The Little MusicBox
* some stuff is still missing and bugs to be expected
* improve setting internal m3u playlist
* implemented showing the internal song list and allow selecting the song to play from it
* fixed adding song to internal playlist when it does not already exists
* implemented to allow only 1 instance of qaplay at a time
* implemented playling a *.m3u playlist
* changed about icon - once more
* implemented play favorites playlist
* moved to Qt6
* switched to MIT license
* swapped many icons to ones from openclipart (Public Domain), including the program icon
* made setting one and adding to internal favorites playlist work
* add *.mkv, *.mp4 and *.webm to the supported file types and add those files to the directory list to be played (audio only)
* add a text to show if no information of the currently played file can be get
* fixed 2 compile warnings
* fixed crash on start without rsync definitions
* updated program icon to svg
* fixed/updated program icon
* fixed toggle 'include in unbound file' field
* implemented delete multiple selection(s) ilo one item only
* implemented sorting by date, oldest first
* initial release
* revert back to showMaximized (ilo showFullScreen) for now, to allow pop-ups to be seen
* changed mode from showMaximized (not covering taskbar) to showFullScreen (use full screen)
* compile fix for exiv2 - use desired #include method
* fixed some compile warnings (use of QDesktopWidget, empty auto mocs)
...Umph... signature is gone! It'll be back, wasn't signed by anyone anyway...
Cannot find... aeh... pst!
The PKGBUILD has a sha256sum for the source. Repeating it here would not add security, I fear.
* fixed erratic name suggestion
* minor GUI updates