
launch delayed on session start.

ldoss in graphical mode
ldoss allows to start programs on window managers which do not honour ~/.config/autostart.

It has two modes,
  * a GUI mode to define the programs to start delayed on session start, start without a command line option
  * a non GUI mode trying to start the defined programs delayed, after the window manager came up, start with -l as command line option
This is most useful, if the window manager does not start programs in ~/.config/autostart .
It will try to start the defined programs as a detached qprocess and then exit.
If unsuccessfully on launching a program, it will report the command line out on stdout.
So, if a program will not be launched at your expectation, start the program from the console/terminal: ldoss -l

  - Qt4
  - cmake

ldoss-0.8.3 ; 07. Apr. 2013
* updated due to qt4 package change
Source: tar.gz ; Arch Linux PKGBUILD ; Qt 4.8.4 pkg: x86_64 pkg.tar.xz

ldoss-0.8.3 ; 10. May 2010
* fixed: showing program icons (new install dir)
* fixed: showing about and help dialog
Source: tar.gz ; Arch Linux Qt 4.6.x pkg: x86_64 pkg.tar.xz

ldoss-0.8.2 ; 31. Mar. 2010
* initial release:
Source: tar.gz ; debian sid: amd64 ; Arch Linux pkg: Qt 4.6.x support, dependency qt; x86_64 pkg.tar.gz